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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

and here's who we met at the fair

This fair was so much fun! We saw bunnies, chickens, turkeys, goats, sheep, cows, ponies and even llamas! I'm a huge animal lover and visiting fairs/zoos/farms is one of my favorite things. Especially now while I'm so far away from my little pet bunny. I can't wait to have her here soon! Awww.. well, back to the fair... :-) It's the second fair in my life - the first one was three years ago in Bozeman, Montana. The Bozeman fair was more entertaining: it had a ferris wheel, a little space ship, cotton candy.. The Sandpoint fair is more about animals in different barns. I loved it, but it seemed a bit quieter here. I certainly missed cotton candy. It's a must for me, but there wasn't any. One of the cutest things that we saw at the fair were dwarf goats! They are adorable! And overall sheep and goats were so much fun - they make such crazy sounds. :-)

I'm glad we went to this event, I wish it were held every weekend, there were no cages for the animals, just a big field for everyone and lots of cotton candy.

Haha, and guess what S and F on the last photo stands for!


Allie said...

BUNNIES!!! they are too too cute.

Maddie Richardson - A Lifestyle Blog said...

Haha oh my gosh. These photos are just the sweetest!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Aww cute animals

Katia said...

AH! Llamas! I love fairs, and animals, and zoos, and all of that! I would love one day to have my own farm full of sweet animals to tend to :)


hjdbedfb said...

Awwwww.... all the animals are so cute ^ ^
Amy x

Katherine said...

AW! so cute! and llamas!

and i have no idea about the S&F. i'm probably being clueless?

<3 katherine
of corgis and cocktails

Harri Davison said...

This is so up my street, anything with cute animals I'm there! Just adorable xx


Jessica said...

omg i love all the animals pictures they are sooo cute

k said...

i always love the rabbits! maybe because i had a couple for 4H when I was little.

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