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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

garden update: august 15th

garden beets
garden carrots
garden dill
garden peas
watering garden

It's growing! I can't wait for all the peas to bloom and for the little beets and carrots to get thicker and stronger! Finally our dill is big enough and we started using it in the kitchen this week! We made dill+cucumber+greek yogurt salad twice and mashed potatoes with cream and dill. yummm! Seriously, what could be better than eating something fresh right from your own garden? 

This week tasks: thin carrots again, find and install sticks to hold peas, eat more dill :-)

Do you have a garden? What are you growing? Please share with us or leave links to your blogs/posts - we'd love to see your garden!

PS: you see that yellow dog on the first picture? Now there's a fence that keeps Sam away from digging in my garden any more. I can't believe he almost destroyed it twice!

PPS: not garden related news but... Omg! We're about to hit 100 followers mark! Be ready for a giveaway!


haley said...

I can't wait to start growing my own garden! Your's seems to be doing so well! Congrats :)

Katherine said...

mmmmm dill! I LOVE dill. it's my absolute fave - as a kid my grandma grew it and i thought it was the best smell ever. your garden looks perfect - i wish i was this talented

<3 katherine
of corgis and cocktails

Unknown said...

so beautiful!! oh dill. We tried to grow dill but it never really did anything. Right now we have basil, cilantro and corn. baby steps, right? I think that I posted a couple of times about it: http://www.treasuretromp.com/category/projects/

Rosie said...

I admire so much people who can actually keep a garden..I'm so bad at that =X things always die on me, even when I really REALLY try to keep them alive =(

I had a cactus once...it died.. =X

But flowers I like!!! =D


Alison said...

I dream of gardens because I don't have one yet. I need to stop dreaming and get myself some window herbs or something!

Courtney Snook said...

Your beets look so good!! My garden is mainly herbs, but I have some beans, broccoli and lettuce growing too :)

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