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Thursday, August 16, 2012

wham, bam, instagram!

Montana edition.

Traveling with Instagram ( and with an iphone in general) is so much easier now! The downside is we often forget to use our "real" cameras haha

And as always, we'll be happy to find new insta-friends! We're @chestnutmocha :-)


KnittedFox said...

Haha, love the title!

Looks like a great week for you guys! I'm now following you on IG. d^__^b

Hope you're having a super awesome day!

P.S. Thanks for stopping by my blog~

haley said...

I do the same thing, but instagram is great for capturing quick moments :)

Katia said...

It's creepy... but kind of awesome? Aha I love your instagram posts!

By the way, I posted about the painting you guys sent me on my blog today!


Alison said...

I love your wham bam instagrams, you take great pictures. I know what you mean though about forgetting to use the "real" camera, but sometimes it's nice to live in the moment.

Courtney Snook said...

Yay I just followed you on instagram!
I totally understand what you mean about using phones instead of real cameras - I think the camera on my phone is possibly *better* than my digital camera (I don't own an slr though, just a little point and shoot I bought a few years ago). I think I'll probably be using my phone camera for a long time, it'll be a while before I can afford/justify buying a decent camera!

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